So you may or may not have heard about “content marketing”. If you haven’t, check out our blog about what content marketing is. If you have, take a second to think about what content marketing is really about. What is the fundamental point of this relatively new form of marketing?

The whole idea behind content marketing is to build trust. It is a way to express to your audience that your business is a source they can trust for quality information. It is a way to build a positive brand image in the minds of your audience. This is essential to any marketing strategy due largely in part to the massive amount of advertisements, social media posts, videos and blogs put out on the internet every single day.

To express the magnitude of just how much information is posted, here are some numbers that show how much data is posted:

  • 571 new websites are created per minute
  • 3,600 photos shared on Instagram per minute
  • 48 hours of new video are uploaded on YouTube per minute
  • 684,478 pieces of content shared on Facebook per minute
  • 100,000 tweets sent out on Twitter per minute
  • 5,000 advertisements are seen by the average internet user each day

These numbers are only increasing as time progresses and more and more people use the internet.

In an age of a media overload, brands need to stand out and position themselves as quality content creators. In doing this, your brand can build a rapport of being helpful, trustworthy, and customer centric.

If you’re interested in content marketing services, our specialists at Jungo Solutions can provide you with an evaluation.

*Source: Mashable